Organizational Tips The Easy Way to Notify Chosen Users When Changes are Made to Files Working cooperatively on files has become more common as there are more applications that can handle this functionality. Most Microsoft Office applications as well as Google apps can handle several users accessing and modifying the same documents or files at the same time. One thing that is less common is
Organizational Tips The One Fix You Should Try Before Reinstalling Failing Office Applications There are a myriad of issues you can run into when using office applications. Some of these are common, while others are less common, but there are standard solutions that often apply to both types of issues. Sometimes a fix is temporary, and the issue persists. Other times the issue
Organizational Tips 3 Important Steps to Take Before Laying off Employees In light of all of recent news about employee cutbacks, it is important to keep in mind what steps a business should take before letting employees go. Additionally, if you are an employee these are things you should expect, and can rest assured these steps are not personal. The items
Organizational Tips How to Save Time by Creating a Poll in Microsoft Teams Gathering input from multiple people can be tedious and overwhelming. From contacting people directly, to sending emails, to gathering information and synthesizing it, and even having people's schedules change because you have taken too long. Getting feedback from or scheduling something for multiple people can feel daunting. Luckily,
Organizational Tips The Time-Saving Office Shortcuts You Likely Aren't Using Enough The longer you use computers and specific applications, the more familiar you become with useful keyboard shortcuts. Many keyboard shortcuts are familiar, used daily, yet others can be less common and you may have to document them to use later. This post discusses a different type of shortcut that can
Organizational Tips How to Reconnect Outlook When it Fails to Receive New Emails Almost nobody complains that they do not get enough emails. Instead, most people share that they receive more emails than they want or feel like they can manage well. Unfortunately, when email issues happen, they can have a huge impact on your ability to communicate and be aware of issues.
Organizational Tips 3 Limitations You Should Consider Before Moving to Cloud Applications Cloud applications and services have become the norm for many of the things we do on our computers every day. There are many benefits to using cloud applications, including lower up-front fees, more frequent updates, and always having the latest version of the software. However, like anything, there are things
Organizational Tips 3 Settings You can Modify to Use Your Mouse More Efficiently Two of the most important tools for every computer, even those with touch screens, are the keyboard and mouse. Using an on-screen keyboard for typing is typically slower than using a physical keyboard for most users. Additionally, scrolling with your finger is easy, but other items like design work or
Organizational Tips Why Older Emails are Missing in Outlook and How to Get Them Back If you use Outlook for email account(s), you may eventually notice missing emails that you did not delete, move, or archive. This is a common complaint with newer versions and especially subscription versions (O365/Microsoft 365) of Office. Luckily, there is an easy way to regain access to these
Organizational Tips 3 Ways to Expand and Shrink Screen Views on your Computer Different monitors support different screen resolutions which are what allows users to customize how items are displayed on the screen. Screen resolution affects how sharp the colors are as well as the sizing of items. Using a lower resolution provides bigger icons and text while a higher resolution provides a
Organizational Tips 3 Things You Can do to Better Organize Data in Excel Pivot Tables When you have large amounts of data in an excel spreadsheet, inserting a pivot table is a great way to see the data from a macro level. The purpose of a pivot table is to take any amount of data, no matter how large, and summarize it into an at-a-glance
Organizational Tips How to Quickly Remove 3 Types of Autofill Items that are Incorrect Autofill can be a wonderful feature that saves time and allows us to let go of certain details - like someone's email address or a specific website address, etc. Unfortunately, if you ever misspell one of these, autofill can work against you by pulling up the wrong information
Organizational Tips Why you Have Mock Emails in Mailboxes Using the Mail App on iOS 16 If you have an iPhone and updated the operating system to iOS 16, you probably noticed some changes right away. While some changes are obvious, others are more subtle. Additionally, newer features can be dependent upon the hardware. For example, some features may not be available on older devices as
Organizational Tips How to Log into Websites When Other Accounts are Logged in Without Logging Out While you may wonder why you would want to log into the same website at the same time with different credentials, there are several reasons this could be helpful. For instance, you might want to log into more than one Gmail account without the hassle of logging out of another
Organizational Tips How to Quickly Add a Chart to Visually Compare Data in Excel - Part 2 In the first post showing how to quickly add a chart in Excel [], we demonstrated how easy it is to create a chart that visually represents data for easy comparison. This post included creating a bar chart, modifying the data included, changing the labels on
Organizational Tips How to Quickly Add a Chart to Visually Compare Data in Excel - Part 1 In previous posts we have covered some of the many ways Excel can be used to help track data. These have included how to identify patterns like date-based patterns, separating text to columns, creating controlled drop-down menus in cells, filtering data, and much more! Excel is a powerful tool that
Organizational Tips How to Disable Autocorrect When You Don't Want Word Managing You There are times when the autocorrect feature in Microsoft Word is helpful, but there are also times when it feels like it is working against you and it can actually slow down your writing. When writing creatively, autocorrect changing things in the background is distracting and definitely messes with the
Organizational Tips Using Conditional Formatting to Identify Date-Based Patterns in Excel There are lots of ways to use Excel to track data patterns. Using conditional formatting is a way to automate pattern identification and can be especially helpful when working with larger sets of data. In our previous post on conditional formatting [], we discussed items like
Organizational Tips How to Separate Items in One Column into Multiple Columns One of the biggest challenges of collecting and organizing data starts before you even have any data. This of course is deciding how to best organize the information you plan to track. Excel is a powerful spreadsheet tool that tracks all kinds of data. The reason Excel is so incredibly
Organizational Tips How to Share your Google and Microsoft Calendars Often times it is more efficient to share a calendar with coworkers, friends or family, instead of going back and forth hoping to find a common time to schedule an event. This is especially true when several people are involved which requires a decent amount of coordinating. Luckily, many calendars
Organizational Tips What You Need to Know to Choose the Best Computer for You Shopping for a new computer, whether it is a laptop or traditional desktop, can be overwhelming. Is the one on special really a good deal? What's the difference between it and a more expensive model? Is the extra cost worth it? These are some of the most common
Organizational Tips How to Remove Images from Emails You Want to Print While many people and businesses have done their best to go paperless, and save documentation digitally rather than printing them on paper, there are times when this is not possible. Email also falls in this category as often times information in an email is the backup to why a certain
Organizational Tips Save Time by Automating Tasks Using Shortcuts on an iPhone Saving time by being more efficient can be a challenge. When it comes to technology, there are some common ways to be more efficient. This includes knowing multiple ways to accomplish the same thing, which helps when you get stuck or something is not working right. Another thing that helps
Organizational Tips 5 Lesser-Known Features that Make Excel Easier to Use Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program that can help track, find trends, make calculations, and process entered data hundreds of different ways. Once you know how to use Excel and become more familiar with it, you will find more and more reasons for using it. Beyond the tools you regularly
Organizational Tips Why Default Programs Associated with Files on Windows Suddenly Changed Every file on a Windows device has a default program associated with opening that file extension type. Some files can only be opened by one specific application, while others can often be opened by several apps. For example, a .pdf file can be opened in Adobe, or in one of