Security Topics 3 Things to Help Protect you from Ransomware & Other Threats The number of threats to your private information and files changes every day. Sometimes the threat comes from a company you do business with being exposed, other times you turn out to be the threat by accidentally clicking on something you shouldn't have. Considering how many threats are
Security Topics 3 Ways to Prepare for World Backup Day and Everyday In case you were not aware, World Backup Day [], which falls on March 31st every year, is almost here! While it is important to always back up your data, the purpose of the day is to remind people how important it is to have a
Security Topics The Easiest Way to Prep a Device for a New User More than one user on a single device is very common, especially in offices where there is employee turnover or where the business is open round-the-clock. Unfortunately, these devices often have only a single user account that multiple people use, which can prove problematic. If you have a business and
Security Topics Current Security Threats: Windows, Google Chrome, Cryptocurrency & More The last few weeks have been rife with security threats and vulnerabilities. In this post we discuss some of the most current threats and vulnerabilities, including some that affect the Windows operating system, the Google Chrome browser, a malicious cryptocurrency application and more. Regardless of which piece you find most
Security Topics Security Update: ADT Eavesdropping, an iOS Patch, & More Last week we discussed several ways to protect your data privacy on a regular basis. These were everyday things you could change that would have a big impact on how much of a target you could be. This week we will cover some recent data breaches and Ransomware attacks that
Security Topics 4 Important Reminders for Data Privacy Day Data Privacy Day occurs annually on January 28th. Unlike days with excitement or celebration, Data Privacy Day is a day built around reflecting, planning, education and implementation. It is a great reminder to pay close attention to where and how you reveal your data and the ways this puts your
Security Topics Security Round Up: Ticketmaster, Swatting & a T-Mobile Breach While the last few weeks were busy with holidays, plenty of security attacks were also happening. Some, like FireEye's SolarWinds vulnerability was widely publicized, while others may have gone unnoticed. These include a fourth data breach for T-Mobile, an increase in swatting attacks, and a $10M Ticketmaster fine
Security Topics One Setting that Will Easily Break a WordPress Website WordPress originally began as an easy-to-use framework for bloggers. Today, it is commonly used to build websites. This progression happened in large part because of WordPress's built-in themes, flexibility, large variety of available plugins, and the fact that it is free. WordPress has an interface that is user-friendly
Security Topics Zoom - New Security & Functionality Features You Need to Know New settings and features are consistently being rolled out in Zoom. A byproduct of having an overwhelming number of users switch to remote meetings, was how quickly weaknesses and vulnerabilities were exposed by users. In response, Zoom halted production on adding new features to focus on tightening security. Months have
Security Topics One New Reason Ransomware Victims Should NOT Pay - US Sanctions Suffering a ransomware attack is something every business owner hopes to avoid. Nobody wants to lose access to their own data, data they have potentially spent years developing, managing and building. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens when you are successfully hit with ransomware because the files are encrypted. Successful
Security Topics Security Updates: An Instagram Bug, Free AV & Ransomware While working from home has become normalized, threat types and deployment have shifted in response. When the pandemic initially took hold, thousands of people were told to stay home. Some of these people used laptops and were allowed to take those home. Others were left to fend for themselves. Unfortunately,
Security Topics 5 Security Controls Accessible to Zoom Meeting Hosts Zoom meetings have become a staple of our lives. If you are a student or have children, it is likely being used to attend classes. If you own a business or are working, this is probably how you are keeping up with employees and coworkers. Even if none of these
Organizational Tips What you Need to Know About Technology Disaster Preparedness Most geographical areas have some form of common weather phenomenon threatening them. Unfortunately, disasters pose a huge threat to technology devices and user data. Consider a hurricane that changed direction and took out your home with all of your belongings. This would include computers and everything on them. Natural disasters
Security Topics 2 Current Scams you Need to be Aware of: Zoom Phishing & HIPAA It is unfortunate, but new scams are regularly introduced into the online ecosystem. Some scams piggyback off of older ones or use pieces of existing malware to launch while others are completely new. The one constant is that the more common a business or service, the higher the likelihood hackers
Security Topics 3 Things You Need to Do if You Think Your Email was Hacked Finding out your email account may have been hacked is something everyone can agree they never want to happen. If someone gets ahold of your email account they can cause all kinds of problems. Any amount the following things that can happen: * Emails can be sent on your behalf -
Security Topics Security Round Up: Voicemail, COVID-19 & Consent-Based Phishing Attacks As long as there are businesses and individuals with private information on devices that connect to the internet, scammers will actively try to gain unauthorized access to that information for nefarious purposes. The reasons why, the attack types and the way the information is used varies greatly. Sometimes it is
Security Topics 3 Ways to Protect Devices Now that you Work From Home The best way to protect devices from malicious attacks, including Ransomware, is to be alert. Unfortunately, there is no real way to prevent attacks, only preventing them from being successful. Using caution, staying informed, and making decisions at your own pace, rather than responding to external pressures, is the best
Security Topics One of the Most Important Ways to Protect yourself on Social Media You have probably heard lots of advice about how to protect your privacy on social media. Some of these may have been tips like: * Securing access to your information by sharing only with friends or requiring approval before people can follow you, etc. * Not telling people where you are or
Security Topics Security Update: Scams taking advantage of COVID-19 For the past few months there has been one thing that has dominated everything else in the news cycle and in our lives. It continues to be important and there are going to be many ways it affects our lives for some time to come. And though it is a
Security Topics Security Warning: Hackers Exploit Outlook and O365 Rules not Syncing With more people than ever working from home, people are relying upon new forms of communication to accomplish the same tasks. For instance, working in an accounting department likely gave you the ability to quickly and easily confer with a coworker about a new vendor, outstanding bills or updates on
Security Topics What You Need to Know about Zoom's New Features Zoom has quickly become an important tool in our new work-from-home lives. Unfortunately, there have been bumps along the way, including security and privacy controls. As the video conferencing application became widely used, one of the biggest issues users have experienced is having unwanted guests join meetings for the purposes
Security Topics Security Update & How to Protect Remote Workers Whenever there are major headlines in the news, hackers use them to attack innocent people in hopes of breaking their security. Unfortunately, the current pandemic is no exception to this phenomenon. Also, with the rise in remote workers, there are things you need to consider to protect yourself. This post
Organizational Tips 5 Things to do to Increase Technology Resiliency Technology is an important tool people use throughout their day. Smartphones connect us to email, friends and family, and people all over the world. Computers connect us to our jobs and businesses. Lastly, networking equipment connects us to the Internet and therefore the world. When one of these areas fails,
Security Topics Security Update: Misspellings, the Latest Phishing Attack Attacks against the security of our devices, and our data, are constantly evolving. The offenders of these attacks implement their schemes, track the success of them, tweak the attacks to be more successful and begin the cycle all over again. This is one reason why attacks are consistently changing. Other
Security Topics 3 Ways to Protect Yourself from Scandalous Stories When something shocking happens in the world, it is normal to wonder about the details. An earthquake with fatalities, a celebrity death, or the spread of a potentially deadly virus are examples of stories most people are at least mildly curious about. We hear about these stories via the news,